Scheduling Qualified Volunteers

Tip of the Week May 13, 2024 With a recent update, we adjusted the settings on the Rules tab in Assignments and added a Qualified Volunteers checkbox on the schedule. This allows you, as a System Operator, to filter the volunteers in the list based on the Rules tab settings. Instead of seeing all of

New VicNet App Available Now!

It’s finally here! The new VicNet app for Apple and Android devices will make it easier than ever for your volunteers to manage their schedules, update their profile information, and receive important information from you. We’re really excited about the app, but there are several things you need to know about the rollout, which we

Legacy Application Forms Retiring Next Week

Tip of the Week January 30, 2023 On February 8th, the old legacy application forms will be retired. If you haven’t updated your applications yet, it’s best to start now. Updating them only takes a few minutes for each form, and will help make sure your applicants have a positive first impression. In addition to

New Feature: Collect Notes with Service Entries

Over the years, we’ve gotten quite a few requests from users who want to collect and store notes along with hours for individual service entries. For example, if volunteers are responsible for maintaining walking trails, they could include a brief summary of the trail conditions. Or if a volunteer is absent, you could use a

Document Uploads on Applications

Over the years, we’ve had many users ask us about collecting documents from applicants as part of their online application forms. Previously these kinds of documents had to be collected outside of the Volgistics system and then manually uploaded to volunteer records. We’re very excited to announce that it’s now possible for you to collect

Review Updated Features

Tip of the Week June 27, 2022 The volunteer-facing parts of Volgistics have been going through some big changes recently. These projects have resulted in a few new Volgistics features in a beta period, and we wanted to give you an overview of the updates and the status of each one. During these beta periods

New VicTouch Beta Now Open!

Over the last year or so, we’ve been working on overhauls to the various parts of Volgistics that your volunteers interact with. These updates are aimed at improving the volunteer experience, making it easier for them to interact with the system no matter what type of device they use. This improves volunteer engagement, and ultimately

New Feature: Checklist Filtering on Reports

Checklist items provide a powerful tool for tracking your volunteer requirements, but when you include checklist dates in your Volgistics reports, there was never a way to include only certain items or a specific date range. Our latest update makes both of these possible! Now when you print a report that includes checklist dates, you

New Application Forms Beta Now Open!

We’ve been hard at work making improvements to the volunteer-facing portions of Volgistics. As you know, we made new versions of the VicNet volunteer portal and the Opportunity Directory available last year, and today we’re excited to announce a new version of the online application forms feature! The new application forms are available to all

New Features: Updated Email Editor and More Rich Text

We recently overhauled the editor we use for email messages, making formatting apply more consistently and making it easier to include images and placeholders. Along with this, we added the editor to many other places in Volgistics that were previously limited to just plain-text, like volunteer notes, instruction fields for your application forms, and Assignment