Are You Compliant With Volunteering Laws?

Are you compliant with volunteering laws?

Many organizations have little understanding of how volunteers intersect with the law. Volunteers are one of the most crucial aspects of achieving a mission for many organizations. However, it’s essential that you understand the laws around volunteering to ensure you maintain legal and effective practices. Understanding the laws and your obligations can provide protection for

Keep a Local Backup of Your Volunteer Data

Tip of the Week November 27, 2023 Volgistics includes the ability to create a local backup of your volunteer data using Volgistics’ Data Export feature. One reason to save this data to your local system is to access to your volunteer data in a situation where your internet connection is down. However, there is another

Use the Date of Last Activity Field to See When a Volunteer Served Last

Tip of the Week November 13, 2023 Volgistics makes it easy to see the last date a volunteer served with the Date of Last Activity field recorded in the Statistics box on the Core tab of the volunteer record. You enable this field to be shown by following these steps: The Date of Last Activity

Volunteer Statistics of 2023

Volunteer Statistics of 2023

Volunteerism is a cornerstone of American culture. It brings communities together and allows people to put their free time to good use by giving back to those in need. In the years following the pandemic, a few major shifts have altered the philanthropic world and how people serve their neighbors. As more people return to

Making Assignments Inactive

Tip of the Week November 06, 2023 There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment record. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry, but the Assignment information

Guide To Corporate Partnerships For Nonprofits

Guide to Corporate Partnerships for Nonprofits

If you manage a nonprofit, you know how vital external contributions can be. Corporate giving makes up a valuable part of those contributions — in 2019, charitable contributions from corporations amounted to about $449.6 billion.  What if you want to develop a permanent, mutually beneficial partnership with a local corporation or business? Building corporate-nonprofit partnerships

Spread holiday cheer with Greeting Cards

Tip of the Week October 30, 2023 If your organization uses the VicTouch module, you can create holiday cards which will be displayed when volunteers sign-in. The setup options allow you to customize a heading and message, and choose a date range for when the cards will be shown. You can use the graphics that

Allow Volunteers to See Who Else Is Scheduled in VicNet

Tip of the Week November 8, 2021 If your organization uses VicNet or VicTouch, you can allow volunteers to see other volunteers who are scheduled by following these steps: Now when volunteers view the daily view of their schedule, they can see other volunteers who are scheduled. If you have volunteers who do not want

Can Corporate Volunteering Help the Bottom Line?  

Can Corporate Volunteering Help the Bottom Line?  

Businesses are always looking for ways to boost their team’s productivity and happiness at work. Getting your employees to participate as corporate volunteers can do just that while also improving your bottom line. Employee volunteerism is a great way to encourage workers to become more involved in their corporate community. With so many benefits for