Go to the Schedule Tab of an Assignment From the Schedule Page

Tip of the Week December 9, 2024 There are different ways to view the schedule in Volgistics to match the rendering that fits your needs the best. For example, if you want to view the schedule for your entire organization, you can select Schedule from the menu. Or, if you want to view the schedule

Use Sets for Checklist Items That Apply to Multiple Assignments

Tip of the Week September 09, 2024 When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the Those assigned todropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to make the Checklist item apply to

Guide To Writing a Volunteer Job Description

How to write a job description that volunteers will love

If your organization relies on volunteers, you know how essential it is to attract good people. Your volunteers may form the backbone of your programs, performing the day-in and day-out work that allows you to focus on the long-term impact and growth your mission can achieve. You need your volunteers to be compassionate, hardworking, trustworthy,

Making Assignments Inactive

Tip of the Week November 06, 2023 There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment record. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry, but the Assignment information

Track Assignments Automatically

Tip of the Week September 11, 2023 In Volgistics, a volunteer’s Role in an assignment shows their relationship to the assignment. For example, a Role of Assigned means that the volunteer is actively serving while a Role of Substitute might mean the volunteer is available to fill in for other volunteers in that assignment. The

Tip of the Week September 03, 2018

Use Sets to make Checklist items apply to volunteers in multiple Assignments. When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the “Those assigned to” dropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to

Tip of the Week October 23, 2017

Make Assignments inactive to remove them from view while keeping service information There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment record. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service

Tip of the Week September 11, 2017

Track Assignments Automatically In Volgistics, a volunteer’s Role in an assignment shows their relationship to the assignment. For example, a Role of Assigned means that the volunteer is actively serving while a Role of Substitute might mean the volunteer is available to fill in for other volunteers in that assignment. The volunteer’s service tab shows

Tip of the Week May 22, 2017

Schedule volunteers with Assignment Opening Rules enforced Via the Schedule tab of an Assignment record or the Schedule page from the menu, System Operators are always able to schedule volunteers for any time even if the Rules tab of the corresponding Assignment is setup to allow scheduling for “Openings only”. However, operators may wish to

Tip of the Week November 28, 2016

Go to the Schedule tab of an Assignment from the Schedule page There are different ways to view the schedule in Volgistics to match the rendering that fits your needs the best. For example, if you want to view the schedule for your entire organization, you can select Schedule from the menu. Or, if you