Use Sets for Checklist Items That Apply to Multiple Assignments

Tip of the Week September 09, 2024 When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the Those assigned todropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to make the Checklist item apply to

Use a Set to Find Records That Have Information in a Spare Field

Tip of the Week May 29, 2023 There may be times when you need to find all the volunteers in your account that have information in a specific text field. For example, to verify the information in a field called School where you record the educational institution a volunteer attends, or attended last, it may

Create a Set to find small or large service entries

Tip of the Week November 28, 2022 At times you may find abnormal service entries that have been created. For example, if you use the VicTouch module, sometimes a volunteer will sign-in for an assignment, reenter their PIN to check the schedule, and then click the sign-out button out of habit. Or if volunteers enter

Find a percentage of volunteers returning after COVID

Many volunteer programs wonder about how the COVID pandemic impacted their volunteer programs. This blog post will show you how to use the tools in Volgistics to get a percentage for the number of volunteers who are serving again compared with the number that were serving before the shutdown. To start, you’ll build a Set

Tip of the Week September 03, 2018

Use Sets to make Checklist items apply to volunteers in multiple Assignments. When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the “Those assigned to” dropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to

Tip of the Week January 15, 2018

Name Sets by function to make them easy to find As your Volgistics account grows, you may find that you have a lengthy list when you select Sets from the menu. The list of Sets is alphabetized by the name that you give to the Set, but it may be difficult to find the Set

Tip of the Week May 15, 2017

Use a Set to find records that have information in a spare field There may be times when you need to find all the volunteers in your account that have information in a specific text field. For example, to verify the information in a field called School where you record the educational institution a volunteer

Tip of the Week November 14, 2016

Create a Set to find small or large service entries. At times you may get abnormal service entries that have been created. For example, if you use the VicTouch module, sometimes a volunteer will sign-in for an assignment, re- enter their PIN number to check the schedule, and then click the “Sign-out” button out of

Tip of the Week September 5, 2016

Use the Advanced options on the Volunteer’s page to fine tune searches When you’re looking for groups of volunteer records, the Basic options on the Volunteers page provide a powerful search tool. For example, to locate just Active Adult volunteers you select “Active” from the Status dropdown and “Adult” from the Type dropdown and then