9 Problems You May Be Facing With Your Current Volunteer Management Process  

9 Problems You May Be Facing With Your Current Volunteer Management Process

Having an efficient volunteer management process is important for creating long-lasting volunteer relationships and recruiting new volunteers. To best manage your team of volunteers, you should aim for organization and strive for a streamlined management process. With your system, volunteers should be able to do everything they need to, from signing in to filling out

Post Service Hours From the Schedule

Tip of the Week February 12, 2024 In Volgistics, schedules and service are tracked separately. The Schedule is a plan of when volunteers are expected to serve in the future, while Service is a record of when they actually served in the past. Past schedule entries do not count as service automatically, but using the

Making Assignments Inactive

Tip of the Week November 06, 2023 There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment record. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry, but the Assignment information

Tip of the Week February 05, 2018

Post service hours directly from the schedule In Volgistics, volunteers’ Schedule and Service are tracked separately. The Schedule is an estimation of when volunteers are expected to serve in the future, while Service is a record of when they actually served in the past. The Schedule does not become Service automatically, but Volgistics’ Post page