Guide To Writing a Volunteer Job Description

How to write a job description that volunteers will love

If your organization relies on volunteers, you know how essential it is to attract good people. Your volunteers may form the backbone of your programs, performing the day-in and day-out work that allows you to focus on the long-term impact and growth your mission can achieve. You need your volunteers to be compassionate, hardworking, trustworthy,

7 Signs You’d Be a Good Volunteer Manager

Signs you'd be a good volunteer manager

Becoming a volunteer manager might be the next step when you want to increase your involvement with your organization. With several responsibilities and required skills, volunteer managers connect nonprofit leadership and decision-makers with the individuals working on projects and campaigns. Volunteer Management Skills & Responsibilities Volunteer managers are essential individuals in ensuring organization functionality. Regular

Creating a Volunteer Handbook (Sample)

Guide to creating a volunteer handbook

Volunteers form the backbone of many organizations, particularly nonprofits. They perform essential work that frees staff members to concentrate on specialized tasks, and they create invaluable links to the community that generate interest and support. Across America, volunteers donate a collective 6.9 billion hours of work annually. To help your volunteer cohort function effectively, you’ll need

How to Train Homeless Shelter Volunteers

How to Train Homeless Shelter Volunteers

There are many reasons to volunteer at a homeless shelter. It’s a wonderful opportunity to: Volunteering at a homeless shelter is a rewarding, enriching, and eye-opening experience. Homeless shelters need dependable volunteers for things like making up beds and cooking meals. Recruiting a full team of volunteers is an essential first step, but you should

Are You Compliant With Volunteering Laws?

Are you compliant with volunteering laws?

Many organizations have little understanding of how volunteers intersect with the law. Volunteers are one of the most crucial aspects of achieving a mission for many organizations. However, it’s essential that you understand the laws around volunteering to ensure you maintain legal and effective practices. Understanding the laws and your obligations can provide protection for

Volunteer Statistics of 2023

Volunteer Statistics of 2023

Volunteerism is a cornerstone of American culture. It brings communities together and allows people to put their free time to good use by giving back to those in need. In the years following the pandemic, a few major shifts have altered the philanthropic world and how people serve their neighbors. As more people return to

Tips for Avoiding Volunteer Burnout

Tips for Avoiding Volunteer Burnout

Every volunteer organization should prioritize the well-being and happiness of their volunteers. Healthy, joyful people are more productive, better at problem-solving, and more enjoyable to be around. Learning more about volunteer burnout can help your organization combat overly stressed and exhausted team members for better overall performance. We are sharing tips and tricks for keeping

Increase Your Volunteers By Improving the Volunteer Experience

Improving the Volunteer Experience

Volunteers in the United States are a powerful, constructive force. In 2018, 77.4 million Americans volunteered their time and efforts, working for a cumulative 6.9 billion hours and producing an estimated $167 billion worth of labor. They generate tremendous value for the organizations they serve — both economically and intangibly with warmth, goodwill, passion, and determination. Given

Why Volunteer Training Programs Are Important

Why Volunteer Training Programs are Important

Training programs for volunteers may look different for every organization depending on what your program does and what you want your volunteers to achieve. However, for most organizations and companies, the purpose of volunteer training is to assist volunteers in completing their roles independently. Trainees should feel confident in their jobs, feeling they can achieve

The Value of Volunteer Time: Everything You Need to Know

The value of volunteer time: everything you need to know

Volunteers give their time to serve your organization. Knowing the value of the volunteer hour can help you better appreciate their dedication and hard work. Why Does Knowing the Value of Volunteer Time Matter? Your volunteers are a valuable resource — you already know that without attaching a number to their work. However, understanding their