Use Sets to make Checklist items apply to volunteers in multiple Assignments. When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the “Those assigned to” dropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to
Tag: Assignments
Tip of the Week April 11, 2016
Volunteer & Assignment Matching Volgistics’ matching features for volunteers and assignments were recently revamped to make them more user-friendly and practical for regular use. Now, in lieu of categories or ‘levels’ of matching, volunteers are now considered as matching-or not matching-an assignment based on the criteria selected for that assignment record. The revised matching features
Tip of the Week November 2, 2015
Make Assignments inactive to remove them from view while keeping service information There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry,
Tip of the Week September 14, 2015
Track Assignments Automatically In Volgistics, a volunteer’s Role in an assignment shows his or her relationship to the assignment. For example, a Role of Assigned likely means that the volunteer is actively serving in the assignment while a Role of Substitute might mean the volunteer is available to fill in for other volunteers in the
Tip of the Week August 24, 2015
Go to the Schedule tab of an Assignment from the Schedule page There are different ways to view the schedule in Volgistics to match the rendering that fits your needs the best. For example, if you want to view the schedule for your entire organization, you can select Schedule from the menu. Or, if you
Tip of the Week July 6, 2015
Use Schedule Icons to determine how a volunteer is scheduled In Volgistics, volunteers can be scheduled in two different ways. In some assignments, the task does not need to be performed at a specific time of day. Volgistics refers to these assignments as “any time” assignments. There are also assignments where coverage is needed during
Tip of the Week May 25, 2015
Use Sets to make Checklist items apply to volunteers in multiple Assignments. When you setup a Checklist item, you can have it apply to volunteers who have a specific Assignment by selecting that Assignment’s name from the “Those assigned to” dropdown list. Or, you can select a Site or a Place from the dropdown to
Tip of the Week April 6, 2015
Run service reports for a single Site, Place or Assignment When you run Service Summary or Service Detail reports, there may be times when you want to limit the service information included on the report to one particular Assignment, or to just the Assignments that fall under a particular Place or Site in your account.
Tip of the Week March 24, 2014
Make Assignments inactive to remove them from view while keeping service information There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment. In these cases, the Assignment can be deleted—but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry,
Improve Volunteer Retention by Matching Volunteers and Assignments
How to use Volgistics to implement a recruitment strategy outlined in Energize Inc.’s Everyone Ready® online training program. Volgistics provides an excellent tool to manage and track your volunteers, and there are many other first-rate resources available that can help you with the “how-to” aspects of growing and retaining your volunteer base. One of these
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