Microsoft Edge has been added to the list of web browsers Volgistics supports for use with the system Volgistics is a cloud based system so you access your account over the Internet by using a web browser. Microsoft Edge has recently been added to the list of web browsers approved to use with the system.
Tag: volunteer software enhancement
Tip of the Week April 11, 2016
Volunteer & Assignment Matching Volgistics’ matching features for volunteers and assignments were recently revamped to make them more user-friendly and practical for regular use. Now, in lieu of categories or ‘levels’ of matching, volunteers are now considered as matching-or not matching-an assignment based on the criteria selected for that assignment record. The revised matching features
Document Storage Is Now Available
Document Storage Is Now Available We’ve been working hard to get the next phases of the VicDocs feature ready, and we’re pleased to announce that they are now available. You can go paperless by uploading and storing documents in a variety of popular file formats. Accepted file formats include PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, JPG, PNG,
Volunteer & Assignment Matching
Volunteer and assignment matching provides a simpler way for you to evaluate volunteers to see if they might be a good fit for other assignments. This feature can also be a great way to help you place new volunteers based on their preferences and abilities, rather than only using a list of assignment names. Volunteer
VicDocs Phase 2 Released
Phase 2 of the VicDocs electronic document storage feature has been released. A PDF copy of the completed application will automatically be saved on the new applicant’s volunteer record. We are pleased to announce that the second phase of the VicDocs electronic document storage feature has been released. This phase adds a new tab to
VicNet Mobile is Coming!
A mobile friendly version of VicNet will be released soon. We strongly recommend previewing your account’s setup now for a smooth transition. Volgistics is releasing an update to improve the user’s experience when VicNet is accessed on a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. If your account uses VicNet, we encourage you
Tip of the Week March 30, 2015
You can now print or save a blank PDF file for application forms you create in Volgistics. The first phase of Volgistics’ paperless document storage feature has been released. You can now print or save a blank PDF copy of your volunteer application forms. Please read more in the Blog here.
Blank Application Forms
You can now print or save a blank PDF file for application forms you create in Volgistics. The first phase of Volgistics’ paperless document storage feature has been released. You can now print or save a blank PDF copy of your volunteer application forms. This allows you to distribute paper application forms to prospective volunteers
Tip of the Week March 2, 2015
Electronic Document Storage in Development Plans are underway to add a new paperless document storage feature to Volgistics. This feature will give you the ability to store electronic files for your volunteer records. Please read more in the blog.
Electronic Document Storage in Development
Plans are underway to add a new paperless document storage feature to Volgistics. This feature will give you the ability to store electronic files for your volunteer records The Volgistics Team is currently working on adding a new feature for paperless document storage. To keep with the Volunteer Information Center (VIC) naming convention for VicNet
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