Create Automatic Report to Track Checklist Items

Tip of the Week November 11, 2024 Volgistics includes a Checklist feature to help you track volunteer requirements. You can not only use the Checklist page in Volgistics to find volunteers who are due, but you can also create an automatic monthly report showing volunteers who are due. To do this, the first step would

Get Your Automatic Reports Faster

Tip of the Week January 15, 2024 Custom reports can be scheduled to run automatically on a weekly or monthly basis. When you choose to run reports automatically, those reports will be queued and processed during Volgistics’ overnight maintenance cycle. Although these commands are typically completed very quickly, sometimes backlogs may create delays. If you

Stopping Automatic Reports

Tip of the Week October 23, 2023 Volgistics reports can be configured to automatically run on a weekly or monthly basis. These reports can be delivered to your account’s In Box tab or be sent out by email. There may be times, however, when automatic reports have been setup for someone who is no longer

Setup automatic reports to remind you to change a youth volunteer’s record when they become adults

Tip of the Week March 01, 2021 Many organizations separate adult and youth volunteers by giving them different Types in their account such as “Adult” and “Junior.” There is not a way to automatically change the volunteer’s Type when they reach a specific age, but you can create a report to automatically be run to

Tip of the Week July 16, 2018

Setup automatic reports to remind you to change a youth volunteer’s record when they become adults Many organizations separate adult and youth volunteers by giving them different Types in their account such as “Adult” and “Junior.” There is not a way to automatically change the volunteer’s Type when they reach a specific age, but you

Tip of the Week October 2, 2017

How to Stop Automatic Reports from Printing Volgistics has a feature that can be setup so that certain reports will automatically process during the overnight maintenance cycle. These reports can be delivered to your account’s In Box tab on a certain day each week, or on a certain date each month. There may be times,

Tip of the Week November 7, 2016

Create an automatic report that shows volunteers due for a Checklist item. Volgistics includes a Checklist feature to help you track things such as orientations, flu shots, and background checks. You can use the Tickler feature in Volgistics to find volunteers who are due for a Checklist item. But you could also create an automatic

Tip of the Week July 11, 2016

Setup automatic reports to remind you to change a youth volunteer’s record when they become adults Many organizations separate adult and youth volunteers by giving them different Types in their account such as “Adult” and “Junior.” There is not a way to automatically change the volunteer’s Type when they reach a specific age, but you

Tip of the Week June 06, 2016

Clean up your report list by deleting multiple reports at a time As you or other system operators use Volgistics’ reporting features, your ‘Print’ page may accumulate a large number of custom reports. Some of these may be automatic reports or other useful reports that will be used again in the future, while others may

Tip of the Week December 7, 2015

Archive old help inquires to “clean-up” your mailbox The “Help E-mail” tab of the Volgistics Mailbox is designed to provide an additional reference for System Operators. All System Operators in the account can review past questions and responses in case they may find the information helpful. However, there may be past help inquiries that are