Tip of the Week January 19, 2015

New Clone an Application Form Feature We’re pleased to announce that you can now clone an existing application form to make a new one with similar settings. This allows you to quickly create a form that is similar to a form you have. You can learn more about this new feature in the blog.

New Clone an Application Form Feature

Organizations can quickly create a new application form with the same settings as an existing form. There may be times when you want to create an application form that is very similar to one you have already created. For example, you may have a form for adult volunteers and now you want to create a

Tip of the Week January 12, 2015

Create a Set to find small or large service entries. At times you may get abnormal service entries that have been created. For example, if you use the VicTouch module, sometimes a volunteer will sign-in for an assignment, re- enter their PIN number to check the schedule, and then click the “Sign-out” button out of

Tip of the Week January 5, 2015

Find Volgistics W-9 form online Many organizations are required to have an up-to-date W-9 form from companies that they do business with. For convenience, we update our W-9 form regularly and you can access it online. This allows you to save the W-9 form as a PDF document, or print a copy of the form

Tip of the Week December 22, 2014

Find a volunteer’s last access to VicNet. If you use the VicNet module to allow volunteers to login to the secure portal to do things such as update their contact information, download forms, receive messages, view or record service, and more, you may sometimes need to see when a volunteer signed into the module last.

Tip of the Week December 15, 2014

Use the Travel Time Merit Hour rule to add drive time to volunteer service. Some organizations like to add a volunteer’s drive or travel time into their volunteer service contributed. If you give an average, or estimated, drive time, you can have Volgistics automatically add this onto the volunteer’s service entries by using Merit Hours.

Tip of the Week December 8, 2014

See how many submissions an application has received in a year Many organizations that use the online application forms want to know how many applications they have received in a year, or another time period. This can be useful for internal information, or for completing reports for grants and other external agencies. While you can

Tip of the Week December 1, 2014

Include the Source, Batch or Directive fields for service entries on Service Detail Reports Service Detail reports are designed to provide specific information about service entries that appear on the volunteer’s Service tab. When you create a custom Service Detail report and select to list volunteers on the Options tab, you can include regular volunteer

Tip of the Week November 24, 2014

Create an automatic report that shows volunteers due for a Checklist item Volgistics includes a Checklist item feature to help you track things such orientations, flu shots, and background checks. You can use the Tickler feature in Volgistics to find volunteers who are due for a Checklist item. But you could also create an automatic