Use Floating Subtotals to Track Service for Custom Times

Tip of the Week November 25, 2024 In addition to regular service hour entries, Volgistics automatically keeps a total for month-to-date (MTD), fiscal year-to-date (YTD), and life hours for volunteers. There are also two floating subtotal fields that you can use to keep track of service performed during time periods that you select. The floating

Create a Set to Find Small or Large Service Entries

Tip of the Week November 18, 2024 At times you may find abnormal service entries that have been created. For example, if you use the VicTouch module, sometimes a volunteer will sign-in for an assignment, reenter their PIN to check the schedule, and then click the sign-out button out of habit. Or if volunteers enter

Create Automatic Report to Track Checklist Items

Tip of the Week November 11, 2024 Volgistics includes a Checklist feature to help you track volunteer requirements. You can not only use the Checklist page in Volgistics to find volunteers who are due, but you can also create an automatic monthly report showing volunteers who are due. To do this, the first step would

Search the Event Log or a volunteer’s Notes tab

Tip of the Week November 4, 2024 Each Volgistics account has an Event Log that records key events. Even though not every event in your account is tracked due to size limitations, the Event Log can still become quite long. This can make it hard to find one specific item. The same problem may occur

Create Holidays to Close the Schedule on Certain Days

Tip of the Week October 28, 2024 If your organization closes or just keeps minimal staff on certain dates you can add the date as a holiday in your account. This will automatically remove all regularly scheduled volunteers from the schedule for the date you list as the holiday. If volunteers are needed on the

Spread Holiday Cheer with Greeting Cards

Tip of the Week October 21, 2024 If your organization uses the VicTouch module, you can create holiday cards which will be displayed when volunteers sign-in. The setup options allow you to customize a heading and message, and choose a date range for when the cards will be shown. You can use the graphics that

Access the Store from Setup

Tip of the Week October 14, 2024 The Volgistics Store is where accounts can create invoices, pay for service, change service levels and perform other administrative tasks. Volgistics Administrators can access the Store by visiting, hovering over Try or Buy, clicking Store, and entering their credentials. But there is another way into the Store

Preview What Volunteers See in VicNet

Tip of the Week October 7, 2024 If your organization uses the VicNet module you may want to preview what a volunteer sees when they login. This can be useful when you’re updating your self-scheduling settings to see if you’ve set it up correctly. One way to do this is to go to your organization’s

Keep Billing Procedures Accessible and Ready

Tip of the Week September 30, 2024 As renewal dates approach and/or administrative personnel change, it can be important to make sure that there are authorized staff handling the billing for your Volgistics account and that they are able to access the Store, receive billing notifications, and know how and when to plan future payments.

Use Email Placeholders to Personalize Messages

Tip of the Week September 23, 2024 Volgistics offers email placeholders that allow you to personalize messages you send to volunteers. These allow you to add particular fields into the message similar to how the mail merge function works in a word processing program, and include various name fields, volunteer Numbers, different hour totals, and