Make Sure Volunteers Receive Your Email Messages

Tip of the Week February 27, 2023

Did you know there’s an easy change you can make in your account that will often dramatically improve email delivery rates for your volunteers?

Because Volgistics sends messages to recipients on your behalf, sometimes these messages are viewed as suspect by target email domains. This is especially true for CC’d email addresses. And from time to time, it can abruptly become a major issue in response to internal changes made by certain email providers. Emails sent from your account will suddenly begin to get rejected. But there are measures you can take to help your messages get through more reliably. All of these measures are found on your account’s Messages Ground Rules setup page.

The first, easiest, and most valuable step you can take is to configure your account to use the recommended message settings: to let Volgistics handle Sender ID, and to use as the from address. Volunteers will still reply to you, and are unlikely to notice any difference, but this can drastically reduce the likelihood that your messages are rejected. You can learn more about this in the “Volgistics Account Settings” section of help topic 2046.

If your organization strongly prefers to handle their own Sender ID and/or use their own from address, an alternative solution is to add Volgistics’ IP Addresses to your organization’s email service. This is especially important when attempting to contact recipients who have email addresses from your organization’s own domain. You can learn more about this in the “Network or Provider Settings” section of help topic 2046.

Another option that is always advisable is to encourage your volunteers to add Volgistics’ sending email addresses to their “safe sender list” so that their email providers are instructed to trust messages that you send them through your Volgistics account. You can learn more about this in the “Volunteer and Coordinator Settings” section of help topic 2046.

Please keep in mind that even after following these steps, you’ll need to manually “Reset” the email addresses of any volunteers that have already been marked as invalid (red). This will make it so that the system continues to try to send them messages that are addressed to them, instead of skipping them when messages are sent.

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