Guide To Writing a Volunteer Job Description

How to write a job description that volunteers will love

If your organization relies on volunteers, you know how essential it is to attract good people. Your volunteers may form the backbone of your programs, performing the day-in and day-out work that allows you to focus on the long-term impact and growth your mission can achieve. You need your volunteers to be compassionate, hardworking, trustworthy,

7 Signs You’d Be a Good Volunteer Manager

Signs you'd be a good volunteer manager

Becoming a volunteer manager might be the next step when you want to increase your involvement with your organization. With several responsibilities and required skills, volunteer managers connect nonprofit leadership and decision-makers with the individuals working on projects and campaigns. Volunteer Management Skills & Responsibilities Volunteer managers are essential individuals in ensuring organization functionality. Regular

Coordinators Can Schedule Regular Volunteer Shifts

Tip of the Week May 20, 2024 In VicNet, coordinators can easily fill openings with volunteers on a one-time basis. Scheduling a regular or repeating shift for a volunteer is a bit less obvious though. To do this, start by scheduling a volunteer for a one-time shift on the first date. Then, click the Edit

Why You Need a Volunteer Onboarding Process

After recruiting volunteers, you can integrate them into your organization through volunteer onboarding. The onboarding process allows volunteers to learn more about their place in your organization. Onboarding volunteers is more than teaching the policies and procedures — it is a strategy to ensure your volunteers remain committed to the mission. With an onboarding process,

Scheduling Qualified Volunteers

Tip of the Week May 13, 2024 With a recent update, we adjusted the settings on the Rules tab in Assignments and added a Qualified Volunteers checkbox on the schedule. This allows you, as a System Operator, to filter the volunteers in the list based on the Rules tab settings. Instead of seeing all of

9 Ways to Motivate Busy People to Volunteer

9 Ways to Motivate Busy People to Volunteer

Between family life and work, it can seem like there’s barely enough time to fit in a social life, let alone volunteering. However, while people feel busier than ever, the average person has more than five hours of free time every day. The challenge volunteer organizations must face is how to persuade people to get

Finding and recording volunteer absences

Tip of the Week May 6, 2024 If your organization needs to keep track of when volunteers do not show up for scheduled assignments, Volgistics can help. The first step is to make sure all volunteer service for the date in question has been entered into the system. When this is done, you can create

New Feature: Scheduling Qualified Volunteers

On the Schedule page in Volgistics, the Volunteer dropdown list has always shown all of your volunteers, without any filtering. We just released an update to add some filter options here, making it easier to ensure that the volunteers you schedule are actually qualified to serve in that Assignment. To better facilitate this change, we

Volunteer Orientation Success Tips (Template)

Volunteer Orientation Setting Volunteers Up for Success

Volunteers are vital to the success of many organizations. About 77.3 million people volunteer with at least one organization, according to the U.S. Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). These people perform a huge variety of tasks, from walking dogs, tutoring kids, and serving food at food kitchens to filing paperwork, running errands, and