Many organizations are updating their vendor records in January in order to issue 1099’s by the February 1 deadline. Please note that Volgistics is an “exempt payee” and as such, you are not required to issue us a 1099.
First Name in Emails
We have now created two additional email codes that will allow you to include just the first name or just what we are calling the “friendly name”.
Update billing information
Each Volgistics ‘Billing Contact’ person will receive an email from us to confirm our mailing address and Federal ID#.
Email codes
It is sometimes useful to include volunteer names, volunteer PIN numbers, or even their VicNet passwords in an email you send through Volgistics. Now there is a way to do this.
Clearing custom fields
Recently we created an option to clear all of the information stored in the custom fields on the Profile tab of volunteer records in a single step.
State or Province Drop Down Menu
Recently we created an option to add all States or all Provinces to this drop down in a single step so you would not have to add each of them individually.