Volgistics now supports Microsoft Word 2007 file extensions. This means you can now upload documents that have .docx file extensions as well as the .doc and .pdf file extensions. You can now attach .docx files to Volgistics email, and include them in message boxes on VicNet.
To upload a document, follow these steps:
1. Click ‘Mailbox’ on the Menu
2. Click on the ‘Documents’ tab
3. Follow the directions under ‘Upload’
Many of your volunteers may be using an older version of Word and may have trouble opening a .docx file. Therefore, you may want to continue using the older .doc file format. Alternatively, you may suggest that your volunteers download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack from the Microsoft Download Center (http://download.microsoft.com).As always, if you have any questions about this, or any other feature, feel free to submit an inquiry from the Help E-mail tab of your Volgistics Mailbox.