Schedule Volunteers with Assignment Opening Rules Enforced

Tip of the Week June 07, 2021 Via the Schedule tab of an Assignment record or the Schedule page from the menu, System Operators are always able to schedule volunteers for any time even if the Rules tab of the corresponding Assignment is setup to allow scheduling for “Openings only”. However, operators may wish to

How to Prevent Volunteer No-Shows

At one point or another, it’s bound to happen. Someone signs up for a volunteer slot, then doesn’t show up. In fact, it happens a lot for most charities. Putting a plan in place can save you and your organization a lot of frustration. Try our tips for reducing volunteer no-shows to make this inevitability

Tip of the Week November 13, 2017

Allow volunteers to see who else is scheduled in VicNet If your organization uses VicNet or VicTouch, you can allow volunteers to see other volunteers who are scheduled by following these steps: Select Setup from the menu. Expand the ‘VicNet’ link. Select ‘Schedule tab’. Under ‘Volunteers can…’, select one of the options for showing who

Tip of the Week August 7, 2017

Set schedule calendar to default to a specific date or month If you’re using Volgistics for an event that will take place in the future, you may want to setup the schedule calendar to default to a specific date or month. This makes it easier to use because you will not need to change the

Tip of the Week June 26, 2017

Use Schedule Icons to determine how a volunteer is scheduled In Volgistics, volunteers can be scheduled in two different ways: without openings and within openings. Some volunteers may be added directly to the schedule, while others may be assigned to fill specific openings that have been setup within Assignments. The “Two Ways to Schedule” section

Tip of the Week May 29, 2017

Import and print schedule in Excel Volgistics’ Schedule Reports are available in PDF format. However, there may be times you want to have the schedule in Excel format. There is not a report within Volgistics that is able to do this, but you can use the features in Excel to get the schedule information for

Tip of the Week November 28, 2016

Go to the Schedule tab of an Assignment from the Schedule page There are different ways to view the schedule in Volgistics to match the rendering that fits your needs the best. For example, if you want to view the schedule for your entire organization, you can select Schedule from the menu. Or, if you

Tip of the Week October 17, 2016

Use Volgistics’ Holidays feature to remove volunteers from the schedule on days your organization will be closed. If your organization closes or just keeps minimal staff on certain dates you can add the date as a holiday in your account. This will automatically remove all regularly scheduled volunteers from the schedule for the date you

Tip of the Week October 3, 2016

Preview what volunteers see when they login to VicNet If your organization uses the VicNet module you may want to preview what a volunteer sees when they login. This can be useful when you’re doing things such as setting up Vic self-scheduling to see if you’ve set it up correctly. One way to do this