Receive self-scheduling alerts by email as a System Operator
Self-scheduling alerts can be setup on the Schedule ‘Rules’ tab of each Assignment record to send notifications whenever a volunteer adds or removes themselves from that Assignment’s Schedule. These notifications can be sent to system operators via the Volgistics Mailbox and/or to coordinators by email. This ensures that staff and supervisors are made aware of any schedule changes that may have occurred to their Assignments’ schedules.
However, there may be times when a system operator would prefer receive these notifications by email. This can be arranged by creating a coordinator record for that system operator, giving the coordinator that operator’s email address, and then assigning that coordinator to the Assignment record(s) that they’d like to receive notifications for. The operator will then be able to receive self-scheduling notifications that are sent by email to the Assignment’s coordinators.
If your Volgistics Account uses text messaging, an operator can even configure their Coordinator record to receive these alerts by text message. This option will be available on the ‘Account’ tab of that Coordinator’s VicNet access.