National Volunteer Week (U.S. & Canada) National Volunteer Week has arrived! National Volunteer Week was established to inspire people to volunteer to make their communities a better place, to recognize your current volunteers, and to encourage volunteerism in general. This week the U.S. and Canada are celebrating National Volunteer Week from April 23-29, 2017. Australia’s
Tag: Volunteer service
Tip of the Week April 3, 2017
Run service reports for a single Site, Place or Assignment When you run Service Summary or Service Details reports, there may be times when you want to limit the service information included on the report to one particular Assignment, or to just the Assignments that fall under a particular Site or Place in your account.
Tip of the Week January 16, 2017
Track the total number of shifts or visits volunteers serve Organizations may want to track how many times their volunteers have served, rather than just how many hours they’ve served. Volgistics makes this possible with Service Measures. These are an ideal feature for recording special types of service performed, and can be easily configured to
Tip of the Week November 21, 2016
Use floating subtotals for recording service in a specific period of time. In addition to regular service hour entries, Volgistics automatically keeps a total for month-to-date (MTD), fiscal year-to-date (YTD), and life hours for volunteers. There are also two floating subtotal fields that you can use to keep track of service performed during time periods
Tip of the Week November 14, 2016
Create a Set to find small or large service entries. At times you may get abnormal service entries that have been created. For example, if you use the VicTouch module, sometimes a volunteer will sign-in for an assignment, re- enter their PIN number to check the schedule, and then click the “Sign-out” button out of
Tip of the Week August 15, 2016
Delete an entire batch of service. One method of entering volunteer service hours in Volgistics is to use the Post page to enter service for a whole group of volunteers at once. This can be handy if you’re posting hours from a schedule. If hours are posted incorrectly with this method, operators must individually edit
Tip of the Week August 1, 2016
Find out how a service entry was created, or if the entry was edited. Service records in Volgistics can be created in a variety of different ways. Sometimes it is useful to be able to tell which method was used to create the record, or if the entry has been edited. To find this out
Tip of the Week June 27, 2016
Sort the columns of information in the Volgistics Mailbox The Volgistics Mailbox consists of the In Box, Out Box, Applications, Service, Help E-mail and Documents tabs. Each of these tabs is shared by the System Operators in your account (or all operators from the same Site if Site Level Access is enabled). As the number
Tip of the Week February 22, 2016
Include the Source, Batch, or Directive fields for service entries on Service Details Reports Service Detail reports are designed to provide specific information about service entries that appear on the volunteer’s Service tab. When you create a custom Service Detail report and select to list volunteers on the Options tab, you can include volunteer fields
Tip of the Week February 8, 2016
Post service hours directly from the schedule In Volgistics, volunteers’ Schedule and Service are tracked separately. The Schedule is an estimation of when volunteers are expected to serve in the future, while Service is a record of when they actually served in the past. The Schedule does not become Service automatically, but Volgistics’ Post page