Tip of the Week October 27, 2014

The VicNet Time Sheet tab can now be enabled for just selected volunteers Depending on your organization’s needs, you may want to give all volunteers access to VicNet but only allow a selected group to use the Time Sheet tab to enter service information. We recently updated Volgistics to allow you to do this. Please

Restrict VicNet Time Sheet Tab Access

The VicNet Time Sheet tab can now be enabled for just selected volunteers The VicNet module has a Time Sheet tab feature that allows your volunteers to input their service information from any computer or device connected to the Internet. Depending on your organization, you may want all volunteers to have access to VicNet, but

Tip of the Week October 20, 2014

Use Volgistics’ Holidays feature to schedule remove volunteers from the schedule on days your organization will be closed. If your organization closes, or just keeps a skeleton staff of volunteers, on certain dates, you can add the date as a holiday in your account. This will automatically remove all regularly scheduled volunteers from the schedule

Tip of the Week August 18, 2014

Delete an entire batch of service. One method of entering volunteer service hours in Volgistics is to use the Post page to enter service for a whole group of volunteers at once. This can be especially handy if you’re posting hours from a schedule. If hours are posted incorrectly with this method, operators must individually

Tip of the Week March 31, 2014

Use the Date of Last Activity field to see when a volunteer served last Volgistics makes it easy to see the last date a volunteer served with the Date of Last Activity field recorded in the Statistics box on the Core tab of the volunteer record. You enable this field to be shown by: Select

Tip of the Week March 24, 2014

Make Assignments inactive to remove them from view while keeping service information There may be times when your organization no longer needs to track an Assignment. In these cases, the Assignment can be deletedā€”but this will also delete the Assignment details from volunteer service records. The date and hours will remain for the service entry,

Tip of the Week November 11, 2013

Use floating subtotals for recording service in a specific period of time. In addition to regular service hour entries, Volgistics automatically keeps a total for month-to-date (MTD), year-to-date (YTD), and life hours for volunteers. There are also two floating subtotal fields that you can use to keep track of service performed during time periods that