Find out how a service entry was created, or if the entry was edited.
Service records in Volgistics can be created in a variety of different ways. Sometimes it is useful to be able to tell which method was used to create the record, or if the entry has been edited. To find this out you need to look at the service entry on the volunteer’s record. Click the Edit link beside the entry you need when you find it.
This opens an edit window that will have a Source message in light gray text at the bottom of the window. Service records created individually, or through VicNet and VicTouch, will include a service record number. A service record entered through VicNet or VicTouch that has been edited by a System Operator will show it was edited manually. To find out which operator edited a service entry, you can note the record number and then search for it in your account’s Event Log.
Service entered for multiple volunteers at once through the Post page will not show a record number. Instead, it will show the batch number that was assigned to all the records posted for that group. You can use the batch number to print a report of this posted service. The name of the System Operator that posted the service will appear on the report.