Allow volunteers to remove themselves from schedule
If you use the self-scheduling feature in VicNet or VicTouch, you can allow volunteers to remove themselves from the schedule. To alert a System Operator, and/or the Coordinators for the assignment, about the change, you can setup to have an alert sent automatically when this occurs. The setting for this is found on the Rules tab of the assignment record.
When your account is setup so volunteers can remove themselves from the schedule, volunteers will see a Remove me button on the daily view of their schedule. If you have your account setup so volunteers can remove themselves from the schedule, but this button is not showing for some volunteers, it is likely that the date for when they can remove themselves has passed. For example, if you have your account setup so volunteers can only remove themselves up to 2 days before the shift occurs, volunteers will not see the Remove me button if they go to the assignment on the day that they are scheduled because the two day requirement has passed.