Access the Store from Setup

Tip of the Week October 14, 2024 The Volgistics Store is where accounts can create invoices, pay for service, change service levels and perform other administrative tasks. Volgistics Administrators can access the Store by visiting, hovering over Try or Buy, clicking Store, and entering their credentials. But there is another way into the Store

See How Many Submissions an Application Has Received in a Year

Tip of the Week December 25, 2023 Many organizations that use application forms want to know how many applications they have received in a year, or another time period. This can be useful for reference, or for completing reports for grants and other external agencies. While you can create Sets to identify the number of volunteers who had

Limit the Rights or Access to Volgistics for Specific System Operators

Tip of the Week August 28, 2023 If a Volgistics Account will utilize the services of system operators other than just the account’s Administrator(s), it may be important to define specific limits of the rights or access for those users. This way they aren’t able to, or don’t have to, manage more settings than exceeds

Add States (Or Provinces) to Dropdown

Tip of the Week July 10, 2023 When Volgistics accounts are created, the State/Province dropdown list is only populated with the organization’s home state or province. However, you can add other states or provinces to this list at any time via account setup. To do this, There are also buttons to add all states or

Creating and Maintaining System Operator Records

Tip of the Week June 19, 2023 The credentials for the first Administrator in an account are created from the trial account information used when the account is started. Thereafter, the Administrator creates and maintains all System Operator records for the account. The Volgistics Team does not assign, or update, login credentials for operators. Each

Tip of the Week September 26, 2016

Link to web sites for volunteer records from within Volgistics Volunteer records in Volgistics have a Web site field on the Core tab. On group records, this field can be used to record the organization’s web site. On individual volunteer records, you can record the volunteer’s personal web page or their page on sites such

Tip of the Week September 12, 2016

Clear your own security blocks for your account. To protect customer accounts from unauthorized access, such as those who are not operators but who might try to guess the password or other information to login, Volgistics automatically places a security block on accounts where too many invalid login attempts have been made from the same