Spread holiday cheer with Greeting Cards

Tip of the Week October 30, 2023

If your organization uses the VicTouch module, you can create holiday cards which will be displayed when volunteers sign-in. The setup options allow you to customize a heading and message, and choose a date range for when the cards will be shown. You can use the graphics that are included, or upload a unique image for your organization.

You can setup two holiday cards at a time with different date ranges for delivery. The holiday cards can be changed during the year to send greetings for all of the holidays your organization wants to acknowledge. The Greeting Cards feature also allows you to setup birthday and start date anniversary cards that will be displayed on corresponding dates.

Greeting Cards has more information on the Greeting Cards feature. See VicTouch Greeting Card Set Up for instructions on how to setup your account’s VicTouch greeting cards.

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