Update billing information

Each Volgistics ‘Billing Contact’ person will receive an email from us to confirm our mailing address and Federal ID#.  The following is a copy of the text of that email:

 You are receiving this message because you are set up as the ‘Billing Contact’ for the Volgistics.com volunteer management system for your organization.  If you are no longer the Billing Contact for this account, please forward this message to the person responsible for Volgistics in your organization who will learn how to change the Billing Contact by visiting help topic 1019 (you can find help topic 1019 at by visiting www.volgistics.com, click on the ‘Get Help’ tab and in the box next to “Search”, enter 1019 and click the ‘Go’ button).

 Please update or confirm that the payment mailing address, physical address and federal ID# that you have on file for Volgistics, Inc. is accurate.  Over the years we have moved and incorporated our business with a different tax identification number.  We’ve posted this information on the welcome page, on the store page and many other places on the website.  Even so, we understand that many of the billing contacts are not regular users of the Volgistics system and therefore have not seen such notices.

 Please confirm that you are using the following information:

 Mailing address:

 Volgistics, Inc.

P.O. Box 406

Wayland, MI  49348-0406

 Physical address:

 Volgistics, Inc.

125 Ottawa, Suite 437

Grand Rapids, MI  49503

 Federal Identification Number:


 For a copy of our W-9, please click on this link or copy and paste it into your web browser: https://www.volgistics.com/forms/volgisticsW9.pdf

Please note that Volgistics is an “exempt payee” and as such, you are not required to issue a 1099.

 Thank you for choosing Volgistics,

 The Volgistics Team

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