Clear your own security blocks for your account. To protect customer accounts from hackers who might try to guess the password or other information to access an account, Volgistics automatically places a security block on accounts where too many invalid login attempts have been made from the same IP address. This sometimes inadvertently is put
Tag: System Operator rights
Tip of the Week May 19, 2014
System Operators can check their own system access rights and find their account’s Administrator Volgistics allows each account’s Administrator(s) to set user levels and other rights for each System Operator for their account. If you’re a System Operator and you don’t see a menu item, tab, field, or button, you can check if your System
Tip of the Week September 9, 2013
Creating and maintaining System Operator records.
Tip of the Week June 24, 2013
Protect your account with strong passwords
Tip of the Week May 20, 2013
Give access to the Volgistics Store without giving access to your volunteer database.
Tip of the Week January 14, 2013
System Operators can access the Volgistics Store from inside account.
Tip of the Week May 28, 2012
System Operators can check on their own system access rights.