Use Assignment Clusters to group assignments together for identifying volunteers, or reporting service
Volgistics includes an Assignment Cluster feature that allows you to group Assignments that have something in common together. This feature comes in handy if you want to report service in just these Assignments, or identify only the volunteers who have a Role in one of these Assignments.
One example of how a cluster could be used is if your organization has different locations or departments, and the same basic Assignment falls under each one. You could use an Assignment Cluster to report service for just the common Assignments. Or sometimes service must be reported according to what kind of need it fulfills in the community. You could create clusters to identify the needs the Assignments fill, and report service based on this. Clusters can also be used to group Assignments together that require a certain kind of training. This would make identifying the volunteers who work in these Assignments easier for communication about upcoming classes.
Help topic 1114 explains more about how Assignment Clusters are used and how to set up clusters in your account. To identify volunteers in the cluster using a Set, you use the “Their Assignment Cluster Set Rule.“