Create an automatic report that shows volunteers due for a Checklist item
Volgistics includes a Checklist item feature to help you track things such orientations, flu shots, and background checks. You can use the Tickler feature in Volgistics to find volunteers who are due for a Checklist item. But you could also create an automatic monthly report showing volunteers who are due.
To do this, the first step is to create a Set to identify the volunteers who are due. Help topic 2181 has general guidelines on making a Set if you’re unfamiliar with this. Your Set will use the “Their Checklist Set Rule” Since it will be part of an automatic report, you won’t be able to use the option that lists the month’s name. Instead you should use the “Due now” and/or “Due in the next 30 days” options.
Once the Set has been created, make a custom report that will show the information you need. Select the name of the Set on the Include page of the report to limit the report to just volunteers in the Set. Then use the settings on the Save page to make it an automatic report..