Print service report for a single archived volunteer record.
There may be times you want to print service reports for archived volunteer records. One way to do this is to create a custom Excel report that contains service information for all archived volunteers. Help topic 1997 shows how to do this.
Archived records also show automatically on Service Detail and Service Summary reports. However, if you want to run one of these reports for just one, or a few, archived records, you cannot use the tags feature to do this like you can with non-archived records.
However, you can still run the service reports for one or more archived volunteers by:
- Make a custom Flag such as “Archive Report.”
- Add this Flag to the archived volunteer records you want included on the report. Help topic 1998 shows how to find archived records.
- Run the Service Detail or Service Summary report you want. On the Include tab, choose “Any of these” under Flags and check the box for the Flag you created.