You can copy one volunteer’s information with the Clipboard Copy feature
There may be times when you need to enter a volunteer’s basic information (such as name, address, phone number, etc.) into an outside word processing document. For example, some organizations may send letters to volunteers, or create award certificates. If you are doing this for multiple records, the most efficient method is to create a mail merge source file from Volgistics. However, this is not practical if you only need one volunteer’s information.
In this case, rather than copying and pasting each field (First name, Last name, Street 1, etc.), or manually entering the information, you can use Volgistics’ Clipboard Copy feature to copy the information from Volgistics to your computer’s clipboard. From there, you can paste the information into your outside document.
To do this, you must have the feature enabled and select the fields of information to copy. Help Topic 1150 shows how to do this. This only has to be done the first time the feature is used. Once this is completed, Help Topic 1149 shows how to use the Clipboard Copy feature.