Sort the columns of information in the Volgistics Mailbox
The Volgistics Mailbox consists of In Box, Out Box, Applications, Service, Help E-mail and Documents tabs. Each of these tabs is shared between all System Operators for your account. If your account uses Site Level Access, operators will only see information pertaining to their particular Site in the Mailbox. However, there may still be information for more than one operator, which can make it difficult if you’re trying to find particular reports, email messages, help inquiries, etc.
To make finding what you need easier, Volgistics includes a feature so you can sort the information on each tab by columns. For example, to reverse the order of items listed on the In Box tab from oldest at the top and newest at the bottom; click the heading at the top of the Date column. Now the newest entries will be at the top and the oldest entries will be at the bottom. Or to sort the information by System Operator, click the heading at the top of the To column. The information on the tab will be sorted alphabetically according to the first names of the operators who share the mailbox.