Send email to other System Operators without exiting Volgistics.
There are times you may want to send an email message to another System Operator for your account without exiting from Volgistics. For example, if you’re a Site Level Operator and you need to attach a report from your Site to an operator assigned to a different Site. You can do this by giving your System Operators a Coordinator record in your account. This does not increase the cost of your service because accounts are not charged for Coordinator records. When you do this, you will be able to select the System Operator’s name from the dropdown list option for sending email to Coordinators.
Please keep in mind that if you are a Site Level Operator, the Coordinator record you make for the other operator will need to be connected to your Site (or a Place or Assignment from your Site) in order for you to see his or her record. The record can be connected to all of the Sites in your account if you want all operators to be able to see it. This is done on the Assignments tab of the Coordinator’s record.
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