Take advantage of the additional ways to send email messages
In addition to sending email messages from the Out Box tab of your Volgistics Mailbox, you can send messages to just the volunteers that appear on the page you’re viewing by clicking the Email link if one appears. This feature allows you to quickly send a message to all of the volunteers who serve in a selected Assignment. The feature works the same to send messages to all the volunteers for a Site or Place.
You can also send an email message to all of the volunteers scheduled on a certain day. To send the message to all the volunteers scheduled on a certain day for a Site, Place or Assignment, click the Schedule tab of the Site, Place or Assignment. Or to send the message to all of the volunteers scheduled on that date for your entire account, select Schedule from the main menu.
There is also an Email link that appears on the Volunteers page for the Coordinator records. This makes it easy to quickly send a message to all of the Coordinator’s volunteers.