We just released an update that makes significant changes to scheduling inside Volgistics. You can still schedule volunteers like you’ve always done, but we’ve made it much easier to use schedule openings, since they are usually a better way to manage the schedule in Volgistics. Here are just a few of the advantages of using openings:
- You can quickly see how many volunteers are still needed for any given day
- You select the opening times so you’ll be ready when the volunteers arrive.
- Openings let you prevent overbooking so you don’t end up with too many people for the job.
- If a volunteer can’t make their shift, there’ll be an unfilled opening slot left behind so you’ll know you need another volunteer.
Before this latest update, you could only add openings on the daily view of the Schedule tab inside an Assignment record. We’ve added the ability to create openings to all of the different views of the schedule, including the main Schedule page as well as the Schedule tab for any Site, Place, Assignment, or coordinator record. So the scheduling options are now more consistent throughout the system.
The section at the bottom of the Schedule page now includes two tabs. The Add an Opening tab is used to create schedule openings. Just choose an Assignment and select the times you need volunteers. Just like before you can make it a one-time opening or you can make it ongoing and select the repeating frequency you’d like. You can also enter the number of volunteers you need to create more than one slot. Help topic 2158 How do I add schedule openings? explains more about this.
The Schedule a Volunteer tab has most of the fields you’re used to. But after you select an Assignment, you’ll see options for any unfilled openings for that day. You can also choose Custom Time if you really don’t want to use schedule openings.
If you’ve selected an opening, you can have the volunteer fill it just for that day, or on a repeating basis starting on that day. If you are entering a repeating schedule, you’ll notice that you can only select options that line up with the opening, so you don’t end up with volunteers scheduled on days where the opening isn’t available. You can learn more in help topic 2368 Scheduling Volunteers.
This update will make scheduling in Volgistics a lot more intuitive, and save you time. If you have any questions or feedback about this change, please send an inquiry to the support team; we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
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