Use the Find fields, and the Advanced options, to locate volunteer records.
When you’re searching for specific groups of volunteer records, the Basic options on the Volunteers page provide a powerful search tool. For example, to locate just Active Adult volunteers, select “Active” from the Status dropdown and “Adult” from the Type dropdown, and then click the “All” link.
However, there are more features available to assist you in locating volunteer records. There are Find fields on the Volunteers page that can be used to search for records based on the first name, last name, number, email address, or group name on the record. The Find fields also include a wild card character that can be entered for a wider search.
There are also Advanced options that allow you to fine tune your search. For example, you can choose to include or exclude multiple Statuses, Types, Flags, or other conditions. The Advanced options also allow you to search for archived volunteer records. To do this, check the “Archived volunteers” box before you click the “All” or letter links.
Help Topic 2023 explains more about the tools available for looking for volunteer records.