Volgistics is a cloud-based system so there may be times you’d like to move information to your local system. This can be handy if you lose internet service, need to reference information that has changed in your account, or import Volgistics information into another program or application. We’ve added a new feature to make exporting the information in your account easy.
The export produces a downloadable Excel spreadsheet file with all of the information from your non-archived and archived volunteer records, as well as a zip file of the documents stored in your account. Documents always include the PDF version of completed application forms. Plus, if your account includes the VicDocs module, the file also include all documents uploaded to the Docs tabs of volunteer, Coordinator, and Site, Place, and Assignment records.
The export process is built-in to clearing your account and account cancellations, and it can also be run on its own by any System Operator with access to Setup on the menu. You can learn more in help topic 2164 Saving Volunteer Information Locally.
As always, our support team is happy to help with any questions you have about the new feature. You can contact them from our public support page, or by clicking Support on the menu inside of your account.