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Search Based on Email Validity

This help topic explains how to define a Set rule based on the validity of the information recorded in the Email field on the Core tab.

You create Set rules on the Set Definition page. If you're not already on the Set Definition page you can get there by choosing Sets from the menu, and then clicking the Create a new set button.

To create a Set of volunteers based on their Email validity select Their email validity from the Include volunteers in this set based on dropdown list.

Volgistics includes an email validity tracking features that classifies a volunteer's email address as green (good), yellow (some failures), red (bad), or white (undetermined). This help topic searches for records based on what categories their address is classified in.

You can search for as many of the validity classifications as you'd like.

is any of these...

If you choose the is any of these... option, the Set will include volunteers with any of the chosen email address validity icons. For example, you could choose to include volunteers with green, yellow or white email address validity icons like this:

Example of Green, Yellow, or White Checked

is not any of these...

The is not any of these... option will exclude volunteers with any of the selected validity icons from the Set.

Email Address Validity