Volunteer Records¶
Volunteer records allow you to track the schedule, service, contact information, and more for the people who serve at your organization. The database has a non-archived section for the volunteers who are active, and an archived section to store volunteer records for people who no longer serve. There are group records you can use in cases where you do not need to track the contact information, schedule, or service for each person who serves as part of the group.
- Assignment Roles
- Date of Last Activity
- Service Tab Overview
- Docs Tab for Volunteers
- Interconnection of Assignments, Volunteers, and Coordinators
- Archived Versus Non-Archived Records
- Core Tab Overview
- Duplicate Record Checking
- Start and Stop Dates
- Tags Overview
- Vic Tab
- Volunteer Number Overview
- Volunteer Record Structure
- Custom Report for Single Archived Volunteer
- Include Archived Records
- Archive Volunteer Records
- Delete Archived Records
- Find Archived Volunteers
- Restore Archived Records
- Applicant Information on Volunteer Records
- Add Field for Social Security Number
- Automatic Volunteer Number Settings
- International Addresses
- Collect Affiliation Information
- Enter Past Awards
- Mark Checklist Items Complete
- Track TB Test Requirements
- Track Vaccine Compliance
- Coordinators Who Are Volunteers
- Get Monthly Volunteer Hours
- Get Unduplicated Volunteer Count for Service
- Edit a Schedule Entry or Remove a Scheduled Volunteer
- Getting Started with Self-Scheduling
- Scheduling Volunteers
- Add Service Entry to Volunteer
- Edit Service Entries
- Enter Past Hours
- Assign Volunteers to Site
- Shared Email Addresses
- Background Screening With Verified First
- Enter Dates in Date Fields
- Get Volunteer Record Count
- Add a New Record Manually
- Add Photos
- Assign Role Automatically
- Best Practices for Deceased Volunteer
- Change Start Date
- Combine Duplicate Records
- Delete Non-Archived Records
- Enter Training Dates for Multiple Volunteers
- Inactivate Volunteers Without Recent Activity
- Methods to Add New Records
- Permanently Mark Tagged Records
- Preregister for Training
- Restore Deleted Records
- Tag Functionality
- Tagging Records
- Track Date of Birth and Age
- Track Status
- Track Volunteer Contacts
- Tracking Training
- Update Youth Type to Adult
- Volunteer and Assignment Matching
- Find Volunteers Due for a Checklist Item
- Create a Set
- Delete a Set
- Find Records With Service Entries Missing Assignment
- Find Volunteers by Phone Number
- Find Volunteers Who Did Not Serve as Scheduled
- Find Volunteers With an Invalid Email Address
- Find Volunteers Without an Email Address
- Find Who Became Active in a Certain Year
- Find Who Became Inactive in a Certain Year
- Find Who Is Active Without an Assignment
- Find Who Served in a Certain Year
- Find Who Served on a Particular Date
- Finding Records
- Limit a Report to the Volunteers in a Set
- List of All Set Rules
- Search Based on Age
- Search Based on Assignment Cluster
- Search Based on Assignment Role
- Search Based on Award Dates
- Search Based on Birthday
- Search Based on Characteristics
- Search Based on Checklist Dates
- Search Based on City
- Search Based on Class Dates
- Search Based on Country
- Search Based on Current Status
- Search Based on Daily Availability
- Search Based on Date Archived
- Search Based on Date Dates
- Search Based on Date Entered
- Search Based on Date of Last Activity
- Search Based on Email Address or Preferences
- Search Based on Email Validity
- Search Based on Flag
- Search Based on Individual or Group
- Search Based on Mail Dates
- Search Based on Mandatory Service
- Search Based on Past Status
- Search Based on Photo
- Search Based on Postal Mail
- Search Based on Schedule
- Search Based on Service
- Search Based on Site
- Search Based on Spare Checkbox Field
- Search Based on Spare Dropdown Field
- Search Based on Spare Field
- Search Based on Start Date
- Search Based on State or Province
- Search Based on Status Dates
- Search Based on Stop Date
- Search Based on Text Number Validity
- Search Based on Text Opt-In
- Search Based on Years of Service
- Search Based on Zip Code
- Search for Pending Checklist Items
- Serach Based on Type
- Sets Overview
- Checklist Does Not Apply to Every Volunteer
- Recommended Email Settings
- Difference Between Decimal and Hours:Minutes Formats
- Prevent Overlapping Schedules
- Dates Are Changed When Posting Hours
- Set a VicNet Password
- View VicNet as Volunteer or Coordinator
- Fields Are Highlighted or Yellow
- Archive Button Is Disabled
- Find Missing Records