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Navigation With Web Browser's Back Button

To aid in web site navigation, most web browsers store a copy of the web pages you visited recently. A back button in the browser lets you back-up to the copies of pages you visited previously.

The web browser's back and next buttons work well with web sites that provide information that changes infrequently, such as news and shopping web sites. At these kinds of sites, clicking the back button will generally take you back sequentially to a copy of each web page you viewed most recently.

In the case of the Volgistics web site, many of the web pages you view contain information that could change from one moment to the next. When you visit such a web page in Volgistics, your web browser will not save a copy of that web page. This means that you cannot use your web browser's back button to return to a copy of that page. Instead, clicking the browser's back button may result in an error message.

While this might seem like it's just a nuisance, this procedure actually protects you from seeing information that may now be outdated, and prevents you from inadvertently saving outdated information from a copy of a web page.

As a general rule, it's best to avoid using your web browser's back and next button to navigate while you're using Volgistics. Instead, use the navigation controls that Volgistics provides within the system. For example, use the Volgistics menu to move from one area of the system to next.

If you use your web browser's back button to return to a web page for which your browser did not store a copy, you may see a message similar to this:

If this happens, simply use the Volgistics menu to continue navigating. For example, you can choose Volunteers from the menu if you're looking for a volunteer's record.

If you use your web browser's back button to backup past the point where you logged into Volgistics, you'll need to login again. In this case simply enter in your web browser and select Login from the menu at the top of the page to login.

Webpage expired is not the same as Session expired

If your web browser tells you a web page you've "backed-up" to has expired, it does not necessarily mean that your Volgistics session has expired. If you still see the Volgistics menu on the page, you can continue working in your Volgistics session by simply choosing any option from the Volgistics menu.