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Information for International Customers

While the Volgistics service is based in the United States of America (U.S.), Volgistics is well suited to the volunteer tracking and coordination needs of volunteer leaders in many countries around the globe, and we welcome customers from these other nations.

Privacy and Security

Volgistics protects the privacy of information stored in the system under its strict Privacy Policy, regardless of its nation of origin. Volgistics does not disclose your information, or information you track in Volgistics, to anyone, except as required by U.S. law.

Volgistics also takes many measures to make sure the information held in customer accounts is protected.

As a U.S. company, Volgistics has not been tested for compliance with laws and regulations in other countries or regions. If your organization is based outside the United States, it is your responsibility to determine if your use of the service is regulated by your local, regional, or national government; and to conform to such regulations or laws as may apply.

Terms of Use

All Volgistics customers agree to a standard Service Agreement to use the system regardless of whether their organization is located in the United States.

Data Storage Location

The Volgistics servers are located in a secure data center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States of America. All volunteer information held on the servers is protected by the measures outlined in the Privacy and Security section above. Volgistics does not have servers located in any countries other than the United States. It is your responsibility to determine if having volunteer data stored on servers within the United States complies with the laws and regulations of your local, regional, or national government.


Volgistics does not charge or collect any taxes on the service fees you pay to use the system. The service is not subject to any U.S. state or federal taxes. If your organization is based outside the U.S., it is your responsibility to determine if your use of the service is taxed by your local, regional, or national government; and to report and pay such taxes as may apply.


Payments for the monthly service fee must be made in United States dollars (USD).


The Volgistics system, its documentation, and our support services are currently presented only in the English language.


Many fields can be customized to have different titles so it is possible to adapt the system to other languages to some extent. Volgistics also supports different international formats for things such as phone numbers and address related fields, so in most cases you can control data input formatting to match your country's standards. International Addresses has more information on this. However, there are some system fields in Volgistics that cannot be customized. Volgistics does not claim to be fully customizable for use in other countries.

Date Format

Volgistics supports both Month/Day/Year and Day/Month/Year date formats. You can switch formats at any time and dates already recorded in your account will automatically change to the format you select. After making the change, you must select Exit on the Volgistics menu, and then Log in again to see the updated date format.

Time Zone Settings

Volgistics supports worldwide time zone settings. An overall time zone can be set for the account, plus different time zones for System Operators who may be located in different regions. In addition, volunteers can select their own time zone when opting-in to text messaging.

Text (SMS) Messaging

Volgistics' text message feature is available free of charge to customers whose service level includes the VicNet portal. While SMS messaging does work with the large majority of carriers worldwide, some countries and regions may not have cell phone carriers that support the service.

Overnight Maintenance

Some tasks in Volgistics are performed during an overnight maintenance cycle that starts around 3:00 am Eastern. These tasks include things such as:

If the time zone where you're located is dramatically different than the Eastern time zone, you may need to adjust your settings and procedures for the time zone differences.

Verified First Background Screening

Volgistics partners with Verified First to provide integrated background screening for your volunteers with the touch of a button. Verified First is only available in the United States and Canada so if you're located in a different country you will need to use a different background screening provider.