Basic Account Set Up¶
Volgistics includes a variety of set up and customization options you can use to adapt the system to best suit your own needs for tracking and coordinating volunteers.
This help topic includes a plan you can follow to initially set up the basic aspects of Volgistics. It lists each of the key tasks with links to other help topics that have instructions on how to complete each task. If you already have the basics of your account in place, you can move on to more advanced features.
If you need help with any of the steps, please don't hesitate to contact the support team. Support is free and unlimited even during the trial period.
1. Complete the Getting Started Interview¶
When you first start your Volgistics account, you complete a Getting Started interview. Volgistics uses the answers to these questions to initially configure some system options to suit your organization's needs.
If you have already started your Volgistics account (or if someone else in your organization did), this step has already been completed and you can continue with the next step.
If you have not started a Volgistics account yet, you will have an opportunity to complete the Getting Started interview the first time you log in to your account.
You can change any of the options initially configured in the Getting Started interview as you learn more about Volgistics, or as your needs change. They are not "set in stone" so you don't need to worry about not being able to change your choices later.
If you've already completed the Getting Started interview, there is usually no need to complete it again. However, if you want to run the Getting Started interview again, you can clear your account and select to clear your account setup. The first time you log in after you clear your account you'll be asked to complete the Getting Started interview again. Please remember if you choose to clear your account that any volunteer records or setup options you've already entered will be erased! So you should only clear your account if you want to erase all of your information and start from scratch.
If you choose to clear your account so you can complete the Getting Started interview again, be sure to uncheck these options on the Clear Account page:
- Keep account setup
- Keep reports
If you are converting volunteer data into Volgistics from another program using the Import Utility, VolunteerWorks, or the Jump-Start service, you may not want to proceed beyond this point until your data conversion is complete. The reason for this is the data conversion process may set some options to match your existing data. The data conversion may also insert Assignment, Checklist item, and Award names from your old data.
If you do want to proceed before the conversion is performed, you should try to make sure the names of items you customize match the names used in your source information. But if the imported source data does not match, it is not the end of the world. You can merge or delete options until you have your account set up as you'd like. It is usually easiest, though, to wait until the import is complete if possible.
You can learn more about data conversion options in Methods to Add New Records, or by visiting the Conversions page on our website.
2. Add System Operators¶
Volgistics System Operators are the people in your organization who use the backend of the system. Volgistics is a multi-user system so different people can use the account at the same time as long as each has been set up as a separate System Operator.
Every Volgistics account starts with space for two System Operators. You can create additional System Operators beyond two if your account's service level permits. You can learn how to change your service level in Change Account's Service Level
You create your first System Operator record during the sign-up process when you start a free trial account. When needed, you can add new System Operators through Setup.
You can always add more System Operators, or change your System Operator profiles later, if you want to complete the account set up before giving other people access.
Two-Factor Authentication
For added security you can enable two-factor authentication to require operators to log in using a single-use code in addition to the account number, email address, and password. You can turn this on for yourself and any other operators you add to the system as shown in Getting Started With Two-Factor Authentication.
3. Customize Fields¶
Volgistics allows you to customize many of the fields in your account. In most cases you can change the name of the field, hide it if it is not needed, or change the options for the field if it has a list that needs to be modified. In some cases you can also change the formatting required for the field. The exceptions are system fields. That type of field cannot be customized like other fields can be.
You can customize fields at any point so this does not need to be done now if you're unsure of what fields you'll need. Here's an example of how you could add new choices to the Gender dropdown field if you opted to create one during the Getting Started Interview.
- Select Setup from the menu.
- Expand the Field Options link.
- Select Profile Tab (for Volunteers).
- Select the spare dropdown field that shows with (Gender) behind the name.
- Make the changes you'd like. To add new choices, use the Add a new item field and click the Save button to the right.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the page when you're finshied.
The same basic steps are used to update any field, but you'll need to select the tab where the field appears in step 3.
In addition to the built-in fields for collecting information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., there are also spare fields that can be set up for your organization's needs. You can find a listing of all the fields available in Volgistics in the List of All Fields.
Tips When Customizing Fields
1. The Getting Started interview and the conversion methods (Import Utility, VolunteerWorks, or Jump-Start) may create spare fields and populate dropdown options. In this case, you can edit the fields if they do not appear as you'd like. If the field is a dropdown list, see Dropdown List Customization and Maintenance.
2. If the spare fields offered on the Profile tab of volunteer records are not sufficient, you may be able to use the Characteristic and/or Preference fields on this tab to collect additional information.
4. Add Types and Flags¶
Types and Flags offer ways to categorize volunteer records in Volgistics. You can use them to control how you view volunteer records, run reports, apply Checklist and awards, send email messages, and other things. You may have set up some Types and Flags in your account during the Getting Started interview.
If you want to delete, add, or make new Types or Flags now, see Type and Flag Field Settings.
5. Add Statuses¶
Volgistics tracks a volunteer's overall relationship with your organization by using the Status field. Each account can have up to eight different Status categories. By default, the categories are set up as Active, Applicant, Inactive and Prospect. All of these except the Active Status can be modified to be something else.
You can add, delete, modify, or set up a default Status for new records. See Track Status for information on how to do this.
6. Start and Stop Date Rules¶
By default, Volgistics records a volunteer's Start date as the first date they have an Active Status and their Stop date as the first date they have an Inactive Status. You can see examples in Start and Stop Dates.
You can modify the rules used to determine a volunteer's Start and Stop dates to be based on different and/or additional Statuses. Start and Stop Date Settings shows how to do this.
7. Add Volunteer Records¶
If you used one of the conversion methods discussed in the Getting Started section of this help topic, you may already have volunteer records in your account. If you didn't use a conversion method, or you need to add additional records, you can add new volunteers manually.
Please note, in some cases (such as special events), you may want to use application forms to enter volunteers. In this case, you can skip this step and add volunteer records later.
8. Add Assignments¶
The next step is to begin adding the names of your volunteer Assignments to the system. Assignments are what your volunteers do for your organization. Every organization that has volunteers has at least one volunteer Assignment (or else your volunteers would have nothing to do!).
Assignment information is a key part of your database. Your Assignment list makes it possible for you to keep track of which Assignments volunteers are qualified to perform, which they are interested in or scheduled for, and so forth. It will enable you to run volunteer service reports broken-out by assignment, and view lists of volunteers according to Assignment.
At this point all you need for each Assignment you want to track is an Assignment name. Below are some examples of volunteer Assignment names taken from a variety of different kinds of organizations. Of course these are only examples. You should use your own Assignment names, which may be whatever you'd like (up to 72 characters long).
Assignment names can be changed later so you don't need to worry if you're unsure of what to call an Assignment.
Assignment Examples¶
Docent | Book Cart | Driver |
Ticket Taker | Usher | Records |
Exhibit Explainer | Phone Bank | Public Speaker |
Donor Recruiter | Receptionist | Tutor |
Math Tutor, 6-12 | Trail Maintenance | Circulation Desk |
Reading Room | Client Advocate | Ambassador |
Greeter | Tour Guide | Gift Shop Cashier |
Radiology | Campaign Phone Bank | EMT |
Emergency Response Trainer | Counselor | Hot Line Counselor |
Water Station | Front Desk | Curb Greeter |
Legal Advocate | Waiting Room | Office Assistant |
Set Your Default Rules for Self-Scheduling
If you plan on allowing volunteers to self-schedule for shifts, you can save yourself some time by configuring the Rules tab of your first Assignment, and then save the settings as the default so new Assignments you add afterwards will have the same Rules tab settings. You'll need to enable self-scheduling first, then set the Volunteer Qualifications controls and make sure Qualified Volunteers can schedule themselves is selected. You can learn more about the settings in Schedule Qualifications and Rules.
After you save the settings for the first Assignment, scroll to the bottom of the Rules tab and click the Make this the default setup button. New Assignments you add will have the same Rules tab settings so you'll only need to make adjustments if the Assignment should have different settings for self-scheduling.
Additional Information¶
In addition to storing the name of each Assignment, Volgistics can also help you organize, publish, and track other kinds of Assignment information too. For example, you can also enter things such as a job description, age requirement, the location where the Assignment is performed, the supervisor's name and contact information, and more. You can enter this additional information now as you're getting started, or you can return to each Assignment record later to add additional Assignment information.
You can enter your volunteer Assignments under one or more Sites and Places. This gives you a way to organize your Assignments according to geographic, program, or department divisions your organization might have.
If you're not sure if you need to organize your Assignment list according to any kind of geographic, program, or departmental structure (or if you don't know what that structure is), you can simply add your new Assignments to the default Volunteer Services Place. If you choose to, you can easily reorganize your Assignment list according to Places (or Sites and Places) later.
If you converted data from another program, some (or all) of your Assignments may already be in Volgistics. You can find out if your database already has any Assignments entered by choosing Assignments from the menu.
It's okay if you don't enter all of your Assignments right now. You can always add more Assignments later as you go.
9. Add Roles¶
Volgistics uses Roles as a way to show a volunteer's relationship to an Assignment. The default Roles are Assigned, Former, Preference, Substitute and Trainee. One volunteer can have multiple Roles in an Assignment. For example, a volunteer may regularly serve in an Assignment, plus be available as a substitute so this volunteer could have Roles of Assigned and Substitute in the same Assignment.
10. Add Roles to Volunteers¶
If you converted data from another program, some of your volunteer records may already have Roles recorded for Assignments. If not, and you know that some of your volunteers will serve in, or prefer, certain Assignments, you can give them a Role in these Assignments now. If you're unsure of which Assignments volunteers should have Roles in, these can always be assigned later.
You may also want to setup your account to automatically give volunteers a Role of Assigned in an Assignment if they are scheduled for, or have service hours recorded for, the Assignment. Assign Role Automatically shows how to set this up. Using automatic Assignment tracking can eliminate the need to assign volunteers a Role in Assignments now if you will schedule them later.
11. Build Schedules¶
In most organizations, volunteer schedules can be built in two different ways. There are Assignments such as Trail Maintenance or Kennel Cleaner where volunteers come in to complete a task that does not need to be performed at a specific time of day. Volgistics refers to these Assignments as "any time" Assignments. There are also Assignments such as Tour Guide or Circulation Desk where coverage is needed during specific shifts on specific days of the week. Volgistics refers to these Assignments as "openings only" Assignments. Your organization may have one, or both, of these types of Assignments.
For "any time" Assignments, you may not need to track the schedule for when volunteers will perform the duty--just the service hours they performed. If you do need to track the schedule, you can schedule the volunteers after the account is set up. Or if your volunteers will schedule themselves, they can do this after the account is set up.
For "openings only" Assignments you may want to set up the shifts, or times, volunteers are needed now. Of course, if you're unsure of when your volunteers will be needed, you can always add (or modify) Assignment openings later.
Regardless of whether your Assignments are "any time" or "openings only" Assignments, you should also review the Schedule Overview help topic to get a big picture view of how the scheduling features work in Volgistics. You can also review the scheduling ground rules for your account to select default settings for the schedule along with what fields appear.
12. Add Holidays¶
Your organization may have days when volunteers are not needed, or you operate with just a skeleton staff of volunteers. In this case, you can mark these days as holidays in your account. Doing this will remove any regularly scheduled volunteers, and recurring unfilled openings, from your schedule on these days. If you still need volunteers to come in, you can schedule them specifically for that date or create one day only openings on the date.
Depending on how much of the year has passed, you may want to set up the holidays in your account for the remainder of the present year and/or for the following year at this time. You can always mark your office calendar, or set a reminder, to update holidays for the future years during the time of year that works best for you.