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Enable Site Level Access

Setup Site Level Access

The Volgistics Site Level Access feature allows Administrators to restrict System Operators to one Site in the account's Site, Place, and Assignment structure. This means the operator will only see Places and Assignments that fall under the Site they are associated with, as well as the volunteers linked to the Site. An operator can be have access to all Sites (a Headquarters Operator), be limited to just one Site (a Site-Level Operator), or be associated with a pool of up to ten Sites (a Multi-Site Level Operator). Multi-Site Level Operators can only view one of the ten Sites at a time, but they can switch their view between the pool of Sites assigned to them.

Create Site Records if Necessary

To start with Site Level Access, you will need Site records in your account if you do not already have these created. Sites can be different geographic locations, campuses, departments, programs, or anything else you would like to use to categorize or group your Assignments. You can learn more about how to structure your Sites, Places, and Assignments in Assignments, Sites, and Places Overview.

To add a new Site:

  1. Select Assignments from the menu.
  2. Click the Add a new site button at the top of the page.

    Image of Add a New Site Button

  3. Enter the name of the Site in the Site field, then any additional information you want to record on the Site tab (such as the location). To add information to other tabs, click Save first.

  4. Click the Save button.

Repeat this process for each Site. After you've created each Site you can optionally enter each Site's Places and Assignments. Alternatively, you can let the Volgistics operators at each Site enter their own assignments.

The name of your organization is used for the first Site record in the account by default. If you'd like to change this to a different name, select the Site, erase the name currently in the Site field, enter the new name, and then click the Save button.

Enable Site Level Access

To enable Site Level Access for your account at least one of your System Operators must be associated with a specific Site (or group of Sites). To add or update an operator to be associated with a Site:

  1. Select Setup from the menu.
  2. Expand the System Operators link.
  3. Select Create a New Operator or the name of a current operator.

    If you are creating a new operator, you can find details on the purpose of each setting on the page in System Operator Settings.

    In the Site section, select a Site from the Site dropdown if you want the operator to be a Site-Level Operator who can only see the Places and Assignments under one specific Site.

    Image of Site Dropdown for One Site

    If you want the operator to be a Multi-Site Level Operator so they can switch views to different Sites, check the Allow Multiple Sites box and click on the selection field to expand it. Then check the box next to the Sites you'd like to associate with the operator.

    Image of Multiple Site Selector

    Repeat these steps for any other operators you want to restrict to a Site (or Sites).

    If the operator should have access to all Sites in the account at once, be sure the Site dropdown is set to All sites.

    Image of Site Dropdown Set to All Sites

  4. Click the Save button.

Nothing Happens!

If nothing happens when you select a Site, you may have asked your browser to stop displaying alert dialogs. When the dialog isn't displayed, you can't provide a positive response, and Volgistics won't be able to complete the action. Fortunately, this choice only remains in effect for the current browsing session, so you can reset it by simply closing your browser and re-opening it.

Setup Site Level Access