Service Summary Report - Monthly Service by Assignment (stock)¶
This stock report summarizes volunteer service for each month in the current fiscal year. For each month, the report includes a column for volunteers hours and a column with the unduplicated volunteer count for the month.
The report lists service by assignment, with a sub-total for each assignment. If you organize your assignments by Sites and Places, the report also includes sub-totals for each Place and Site.
A grand total for each month appears at the end of the report, and a grand total for each assignment (as well as for each Site and Place if they appear on the report) appears in the right most column.
Use this report to show month-to-month service by assignment for the current year.
Customizing and Running Stock Reports
You can generate this report using the Run It button, and change its appearance using the Modify It button. You can also Clone It to create your own custom versions.