Excel Spreadsheet Include Tab¶
The Include page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the options on the Include page to choose which volunteers you want to include in this Excel spreadsheet report.
Tagged volunteers¶
This checkbox is disabled unless you previously tagged one or more volunteer records. Check this checkbox if you want the report to include only the tagged volunteers.
These volunteers¶
Check this checkbox if you want the report to include all of the volunteers you specify using the fields listed below. If you want this report to include all volunteers be sure to check this checkbox.
Uncheck this checkbox only if you selected the Tagged volunteers checkbox, and you want this report to include only the tagged volunteers.
Keep in Mind!
The settings in the These volunteers section work together to control which volunteer records are used for the report. For example, if you use the Status section to limit the report to volunteers with the Active Status, and use the Set section to limit the report to volunteers who are in a certain Set, the report will only include volunteers who meet both requirements. They must have the Active Status and they must be included in the Set.
Choose Any if you want this report to include volunteers regardless of their current Status.
Choose Any of these if you want this report to include only volunteers whose current Status is one of those you check, then check the Status(es) you want to include.
The Type field appears in the Name box on the Core tab of volunteer records. It can be used to classify volunteers by major programs or categories such as Adult, Junior, Student, Regular, Occasional, Auxiliary, and so forth. Ultimately, each organization decides what the Type field in their account contains.
Choose Any if you want this report to include volunteers regardless of what their Type is currently.
Choose Any of these if you want this report to include only volunteers whose Type is one of those you check, then check the Type(s) you want to include. Remember that you may have volunteers who do not have any Type selected on their record. So even if you select every Type the report still may not include all of your volunteers.
The Kind field is located on the Core tab in each volunteer record. It is used to show if a volunteer record is for an individual person or a group that volunteers.
Select Both individuals and groups if you want the report to include both individuals and groups.
Select Individuals only if you want the report to only include individual volunteer records.
Select Groups only if you want the report to only include group volunteer records.
Flags appear in the Flag box on the Core tab of volunteer records. Flags are typically used to classify volunteers into groups that may overlap such as Board of Directors, Donor, Sponsor, Day of Caring, Red Team, and so forth.
Choose Any if you want this report to include volunteers regardless of what Flags appear on their Core tab.
Choose Any of these if you want this report to include only volunteers who have at least one of the Flags you check, then check the Flag(s) you want to include.
Choose All of these if you want the report to include only volunteers who have all of the Flags you select. Keep in mind that this setting may be too restrictive if you check more than just a few Flags. For example, if you check five Flags and it is rare for a volunteer to have all five Flags at once, your report may be blank.
Choose Not any of these if there are volunteers you do not want to include on the report. For example, you may track both paid staff and volunteers in your account and use an Employee Flag to show which records are for staff members. If you want your report to include just volunteers, you can select Not any of these and then check the Employee Flag so your staff are not included in the report.
This option only appears if you use Site Level Access in Volgistics, and you are a headquarters operator who has access to the volunteer records for all of the Sites in your account.
Choose Any if you want this report to include volunteers regardless of which Site(s) they serve at.
Choose Any of these if you want this report to include only volunteers who serve at at least one of the Sites you check, then check Site(s) you want to include.
You can use the Sets feature in Volgistics to query the database to find volunteers who meet certain requirements that are not options on the Include tab. For example, you may want your report to include just the volunteers who have been at your organization less than a year. In this case, you'd create a Set to locate the volunteers based on their start date first. Then, to limit the report, check the box by This set and pick the name of the Set you created from the dropdown list.
If your report is blank, it is most likely due to one of two things. It may be the other Include tab selections are too restrictive as described in the Keep in Mind call out box above. Or, it may be that the Set itself is not set up correctly to identify the volunteers you want included in the report. One way to check if this is the case is to view the volunteers in the Set.
Schedule Range¶
If you chose to add schedule fields to the report, you can choose a date range for the schedule entries you'd like. You can also check Only include volunteers scheduled during this period to exclude volunteers who don't have any schedule entries during the selected date range.
Note that these reports can only include a maximum of one year of schedule information. If you choose a larger date range, only the first year of schedule information will be included.
Service Range¶
Like other reports that list volunteers, you can choose to include service information on Excel spreadsheet reports. These options appear on the Fields tab under Service tab fields, under Service. If you selected any service fields, this section will appear on the Include tab. Here, you can select which service entries to include based on the date the service was performed.
Select Include all service entries if you want to list every individual service entry for all volunteers on the report.
If you want to include just some service entries, select Only include the service entries for this period and choose the range of months you'd like.
You can also choose to Include volunteers only if they have service during this period. This will exclude any volunteers who don't have service to report.
Date Records¶
Date records may include entries for Status changes, Checklist item completion, Awards, and other custom entries. These options appear on the Fields tab of the report setup under History tab fields, under Dates. If you select any of those fields, this section will appear on the report's Include tab. Here, you can choose which types of date records should be included.
Leaving all boxes unchecked will cause all date entries to be included.
Assignment Records¶
A Role is used to indicate a volunteer's standing in a particular Assignment. When you include Role information in a report, you can choose which Roles you'd like.
If you leave all boxes unchecked, then all volunteer Roles will be included.
Complete Report¶
When you're finished choosing the Include options for your report click the Next button to continue to the next step if you're creating or modifying a custom report. If you're running a custom report that you already made, or using a stock report, click the Run Now button when you're ready to have the system create the report file. This file will be sent to the In Box of your Volgistics Mailbox when it is complete.