Assignment Profile Fields Tab¶
The Fields tab appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the Fields tab to choose the fields you want to appear in your Assignment Profile report. If you selected to only include the Summary Pages on the Options tab of the report, the Fields tab will only include the General information section because these are the only fields included in the Summary Pages.
The Check All and Uncheck All buttons can be used to select or un-select every field on the page without marking them individually.
General information¶
The General information section controls if the Site, Place and/or cluster name fields are included in your report. These fields appear on the Summary Pages and the Assignment Detail Pages for each assignment. So your selections here will determine what is shown in both spots where the fields appear in the report. If you have renamed the Cluster field in your account, this name will appear as the selection option.
The Site and Place fields are used to set the hierarchy for the Assignments in your account.
The Cluster field is used to add additional tracking for Assignments across Sites and Places. If the Cluster field is hidden in your account, or you do not have any Assignment Clusters created, the option to select this field will not appear.
Assignment tab fields¶
Check the fields of information about each Assignment that you want to include in your Assignment Profile report. See Add an Assignment if you need help creating these.
The fields in the Detail section will not appear if they are set to Hidden, or are not set up yet in your account. To set up and un-hide these fields, select Setup from the menu, expand Field Options, and select Assignment Tab.
Assignment Phone Fields
A Site, Place, or Assignment's phone field will only show on the report if the Ok to call box is checked for that phone number. If the Ok to call box has been hidden for a phone number, that phone number will be counted as Ok to call for the purposes of inclusion on your report.
If you started a new trial account after January 13, 2023, the Ok to call fields are set to be checked and hidden by default. If you want the fields to appear in your account, you'll need to change the Hidden setting to No.
Coordinator tab fields¶
Check the fields for the Coordinator information that you want to include.
The fields in the Coordinator relationship fields section will not appear if they are set to Hidden, or are not set up yet in your account. To set up and un-hide these fields, select Setup from the menu, expand the Field Options link, and select Coordinator Fields. The Coordinator relationship fields appear on both the Coordinators tab of Assignment records and on the Assignments tab of Coordinator records.
Coordinator Phone Fields
The phone fields for Coordinators will only show on the report if the Ok to call field for the phone number is checked. However, if the Ok to call field is hidden for the phone number, that phone number will be considered Ok to call for the purposes of determining whether to include it on the report. See Ok to Call Fields Settings for information on how to change the settings for Ok to call fields.
If you started a new trial account after January 13, 2023, the Ok to call fields are set to be checked and hidden by default. If you want the fields to appear in your account, you'll need to change the Hidden setting to No.
Profile tab fields¶
Check the fields on the Assignment Profile tab that you want included in the report.
You setup the Time Needed fields that appear on this tab by selecting Setup from the menu, Field Options, and selecting Profile Tab (for Assignments). The availability fields for assignments are shared with the availability fields for volunteers, so changing the settings on the Assignment Profile tab will also change the settings on the volunteer Profile tab.
A Characteristics field will appear as an option to select for your report as long as it is set to have the field appear on the Profile tab for volunteers and Assignments, or just the Assignment Profile tab. They will not appear if the field is setup to only appear on the volunteer Profile tab.
Description tab fields¶
Select the fields on the Assignment Description tab that you want to have included in the report. Please note, if these fields are blank for certain Assignments and you do not want these Assignments included on the report, you can control whether or not they are included on the Options tab of the report.
When you're finished choosing the Fields for your report, click the Next button to continue to the next step.