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View Volunteers for a Place

In Volgistics, the assignment records represent the jobs or tasks your volunteers perform. You can organize the volunteer assignments you track in Volgistics to reflect the structure of your organization. Volgistics supports up to two levels of organization for this purpose: Sites and Places. This structure is shown in the following illustration:

Site, Place & Assignment Chart

With assignments organized this way, it's often useful to view or manage the list of volunteers who have any assignment at a selected Place. For example, you may want to see a list of the volunteers who have any of the three assignments under Site A, Place A, in the illustration above.

To do this:

  1. Select Assignments from the menu.
  2. Click the Place where you want to see the volunteer list.
  3. Choose the Volunteers tab for the selected Place.

The Volunteers tab looks similar to this:

Image of Volunteers Tab

Search for the Records to Show

You set the criteria for the volunteer records you want to have shown on the tab. Once the criteria are selected, click the Search button. The tab will populate with all records that match the criteria selected. You can learn more about each option for searching below:


Under Status, click each of the volunteer Statuses you want to appear on the list. Check all of the Statuses if you want to see all volunteers who have the selected assignment regardless of their Status.

In the example pictured above, only volunteers who have the Active Status will appear on the list.


Under Role, click each of the Assignment Roles you want to appear on the list. Check all of the Roles if you want to see all volunteers who have assignments that fall under the Place regardless of their Role in the assignment. Please note that you must select a Role (or Roles) in order for the search to bring back results because the system is looking for volunteers in the assignments that are listed under the Place.

In the example pictured above, only volunteers who have the Roles Assigned, Substitute or Trainee in assignments that fall under the Place will appear on the list.

Status vs. Role

Note that a volunteer's Status in your organization is different than their Role in an assignment.

A volunteer's Status is their overall standing in your organization. Common Statuses include Active (the volunteer is regularly involved in your organization) and Inactive (the volunteer is no longer regularly involved in your organization). Volunteers can have just one Status. You enter or set a volunteer's status on the Core tab of their record.

Roles, on the other hand, relate to a volunteer's standing in a specific assignment. Common Roles include Assigned (the volunteer regularly serves in this assignment), Former (the volunteer no longer serves in this assignment--but did once), and Substitute (the volunteer can be called to substitute for someone else in this assignment). Volunteers can have one (or more) Roles in each of their assignments.

In the example pictured above, the volunteer list will include all of the volunteers whose volunteer Status is Active, and who have any of these three Roles in assignments that fall under the Place: Assigned, Substitute, or Trainee.

Using the Volunteers Tab

After you select the criteria for the volunteers you want on the page, and click the Search button, your volunteer list will appear similarly to what is shown below:

Image of Volunteer List

At this point you can work with the records on the page. The following sub-sections have more information on this.

Add, Remove, or Change Volunteer Roles

In the volunteer list, you can add, remove, or change volunteer Roles for the Assignments under the Place. Any change you make here will automatically show on the Service tab of the volunteer's record. You can add, remove, or change Roles for single volunteers or multiple volunteers at once.

To start, let's look at making changes for a single volunteer.

  • To add or change a Role for a single volunteer, use the dropdown in the New role column and the row with the volunteer's name to select the Role they should be given. If the volunteer did not have a Role to begin with, the dropdown will be blank. If the volunteer already had a Role, the dropdown will show their current Role. Once you select the new Role, the volunteer's Role will automatically change to match.
  • To remove a Role for a single volunteer, click the Delete link in the row for that volunteer.

    If you need to make the same change for many volunteers, you can make the change for all of them at once using the checkboxes in the column between the Role and New role columns. Check the boxes for each volunteer you want to add, remove, or change a Role for. If you want to check or uncheck all the boxes, you can check or uncheck the box at the very top of the column.

  • To add or change a Role for multiple volunteers at once, check the box next to each volunteer you want to add or change Roles for. Then at the bottom of the list, use the Select a Role dropdown to select the new Role these volunteers should be given. You'll see a confirmation prompt appear to make sure you want to make the selected change. Click OK to proceed with the change for all the checked volunteers or click Cancel to stop the change.

  • To remove a Role for multiple volunteers at once, check the box next to each volunteer you want to remove a Role from. Then click the Remove Roles button at the bottom of the list. A confirmation prompt will appear to make sure you want to delete the Roles from the checked volunteers. Click OK to proceed or click Cancel to stop the deletion process.

Tag Volunteers in a Place

There may be times when you'd like to tag all of the volunteers who have an assignment listed under a Place. For example, you might want to run a report for all the volunteers who serve at the Place. You can do this by tagging the volunteers who have the assignment and then running the report so it includes only the tagged volunteers. You can learn what tasks you can perform on a group of tagged records in Tag Functionality.

You can click the Tag icon to the left of the volunteer's name to tag individual records on the list. To tag all of the volunteers in a Place:

  1. Open the Volunteers tab for the Place.
  2. Search for the records you want to have shown on the page as described in the Search for the Records to Show section above.
  3. Click the Tag these button at the bottom of the list.

    Image of Tag These Button

Message Volunteers in a Place

There may be times when you'd like to send an email, VicMail, or text message to all of the volunteers with Assignments in a particular Place.

To send a message to the volunteers in a Place:

  1. Open the Volunteers tab for the Place.
  2. Search for the records you want to have shown on the page as described in the Search for the Records to Show section above.
  3. Click the Messages icon at the top of the list.

    Image of Message Icon

Why Can't I Select or Tag Some Volunteers?

You may see some volunteers listed who appear to be disabled. You can see they have a Role in an Assignment that falls under the Place, but the volunteer's name is not a link to go to the volunteer's record and the tag icon by the record is missing. This is how it looks on the Volunteers tab of an assignment record. It will look similar on a Place record.

Image of Disabled Volunteer on List

This happens when your account has the Site Level Access feature enabled and your System Operator record is limited to a specific Site. You are able to see the volunteer because they have a Role in an Assignment that falls underneath the Place you're viewing. However, you're not able to interact with the volunteer because they are not assigned to the same Site as you.