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Volunteer Profile Page Design Tab

The Page Design page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the options on the Page Design page to customize the page formatting for your Volunteer Profile report.

Page Layout Options

Page size

Use the dropdown list to choose the paper size for this report. The default page size is Letter.

Margin width

Enter the size (in inches) of the margin you want to appear around the edge of the page. The default margin width is one half inch (0.5 inches). Margin sizes can be 0.1 up to 2.0 inches.

Page orientation

Choose the way you would like the pages of the report to be oriented, portrait or landscape.

Title and Logo Options

First and Second title line

Type what you want to appear for the report title. Report titles may be two lines long.

The report title appears at the top of the first page, and at the top of subsequent pages if Start a new page for each volunteer is selected on the Options tab of the report.

Add Site name

Check this checkbox if you want the Site name to appear as part of the report title when a Site-Level Operator or Multi-Site Level Operator runs a shared report. A shared report is a stock report, or a report created by the Headquarters Site for use by all Sites. When you check this box, report titles will include the name of Site where the report was generated whenever the report is run by a Site-Level Operator or Multi-Site Level Operator. Do not check this box if you do not want shared reports which are run by Site-Level Operators or Multi-Site Level Operators to include the Site name.

This option only appears if you use the Site Level Access features.

Add Set name

If you run this report for different Sets of volunteers, you can optionally make the name of the Set you're using appear in the report title by checking this checkbox.

Font Style and Size Options

Font name

Use the dropdown list to choose the name of the font you would like Volgistics to use for formatting the report title(s).

Font size for 1st title line & Font size for the rest of the title

The report title may include one or more lines of text, and you can make the first line have a different font size than the others. This enables you to have a larger main title, and smaller sub-title(s). Use the dropdown lists to choose the font size (in points) for the first and subsequent lines.

Logo & title locations

Use the dropdown list to choose the way you would like to arrange your organization's logo and the report title(s) at the top of the page. Logos will only appear if you've uploaded a logo to the Print graphic section of the Logo graphics page.

Body font name & Body font size

Use the dropdown lists to choose the font style and font size (in points) for the text in the body of the report. The body of the report includes all of the report content except the report title.

The font size you select will be used whenever possible. However, if the amount of information for a field would cause it to spill into the report's border, the font size will be reduced to prevent this from occurring.

Border and Index Options


Volunteer Profile reports can include lines around the border of the report as well as between volunteer records. Lines will only appear between volunteer records if Start a new page for each volunteer is not selected on the Options tab of the report. Choose On if you want this report to include lines, or Off if you prefer no lines. This option does not affect the content of the report except by adding or removing the line graphics.

Date and time printed

Choose On if you want this report to include the date and time the report was run in the lower left corner of each page. Choose Off if you prefer not to have the date and time included.

Page numbers

Choose On if you want page numbers included at the bottom of each page. Choose Off if you prefer not to have page numbers included. If Start a new page for each volunteer is selected on the Options tab of the report, the page number will reset to 1 (one) for each new volunteer.

Volunteer name

If Start a new page for each volunteer is selected on the Options tab of the report, you can have the volunteer's name appear in the bottom right corner of each page that has the volunteer's information. Choose On if you want the name included. Choose Off if you prefer not to have the volunteer's name included.

When you're finished choosing the page design for your report click Next to continue to the next step.